Brian Maher

July 27, 2016

A visit to Quebec

Every time I have the opportunity to visit Loic Dewavrin at his family farm, Les Fermes Longpres in Les Cedres, QC, I come away from the […]
May 12, 2016
dewavrins farm in spring 2015

News from the fields

We are so fortunate to have Loic Dewavrin and his family growing and milling most of the flour we use here at the bakery.  The nature […]
January 21, 2015
white flour from le moulin des cedres

Red Hen partners with Le Moulin des Cedres, from the Times-Argus

Red Hen Baking is teaming up with a Canadian farm to get all the certified organic flour for its many breads within a 150-mile radius. Randy […]
November 21, 2014
5 roller mill at Le Moulin des Cedres

All our wheat will be grown regionally in 2015!

Last spring I shared some discouraging news about the state of affairs with organic wheat.  Unfortunately, the 2014 harvest in the Midwest was no better than […]
October 30, 2014
resting Waitsfield Common

“Baked and Delivered Fresh Daily”

Think for a second about what “Baked Fresh Daily” involves. Mixing, Resting, Forming, Baking – For a loaf of Waitsfield Common, mixing bowl to oven is […]
January 30, 2014
Red Hen Derek eating his Whoopie Pie

Whoopie Pies and Hucklebucks

What’s in a name? We got to wondering, why are “Whoopie Pies” called “Whoopie Pies?” So we went where we go when we want to know […]

We are open from 7 am to 3 pm for online ordering only.

Due to staffing shortages, we are accepting ONLINE ORDERS ONLY. You can view and order from our entire menu here:

Order Online for PickUp

Your order will be ready at the time indicated on your confirmation (usually in 15-20 minutes).

Our creemee window will be open through Monday from 11-6.

Thank you for your understanding. We plan to fully re-open next Wednesday, October 12th.