News from the fields

white flour from le moulin des cedres
Red Hen partners with Le Moulin des Cedres, from the Times-Argus
January 21, 2015
A visit to Quebec
July 27, 2016
dewavrins farm in spring 2015

We are so fortunate to have Loic Dewavrin and his family growing and milling most of the flour we use here at the bakery.  The nature of commodities makes it hard enough to think of flour as an agricultual product at all, let alone to picture the farmer in the field.

The note that follows is both a treat and a rarity – a crop update from the farmer and photos of the wheat he will harvest and mill for us this fall.  Six months from now these green shoots will have been magically transformed to the loaves on our tables. Thanks Loic!

Dear Randy,

I hope you are all well,

Here’s some news from the fields!

We’ve started cereals planting season almost a month ago now, with just one fiearly spring wheat 2016 2eld, then we were delayed because of rainfalls and cold temperatures, this first field took 2 weeks to emerge!

The rest of the wheat was planted within three days at the end of april and some is already a 2 leafs stage as you can see on the second photo. All clover and alfalfa has already been under seeded. We are actually trying to prepare fields for all other crops, most of our neighbours have already planted their corn, we feel it’s still too cold and wet to proceed…

I hope everything is ok at the bakery, did you have a chance to test this sample of white flour I’ve sent with the last shipment?

Have a great day!





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